# Shodan Dork: Dreambox 200
# Date: 12/10/2017
# Exploit Author: Thiago "THX" Sena
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.dreamboxupdate.com
# Version: 2.0.0
# Tested on: kali linux, windows 7, 8.1, 10
# CVE : CVE-2017-15287
Vulnerabilty: Cross-site scripting (XSS) in plugin BouquetEditor
- First you go to ( http://IP:PORT/bouqueteditor/ )
- Then you go to the Bouquets tab, add a new bouquet
- Then put the script (<script>alert(1)</script>)
- Xss Vulnerability
Dreambox Plugin BouquetEditor - Cross-Site Scripting