WordPress Photo Gallery plugin versions 1.3.34 and 1.3.42 suffer from a path traversal vulnerability.
Software: Photo Gallery
Version: 1.3.34,1.3.42
Homepage: https://wordpress.org/plugins/photo-gallery/
Advisory report: https://security.dxw.com/advisories/path-traversal-in-photo-gallery-may-allow-admins-to-read-most-files-on-the-filesystem/
CVE: Awaiting assignment
CVSS: 4 (Medium; AV:N/AC:L/Au:S/C:P/I:N/A:N)
Path traversal in Photo Gallery may allow admins to read most files on the filesystem
The plugin contains a file manager component which allows broad access to the filesystem including deleting files, uploading files, and moving files. In this proof-of-concept weall be usingA pathA traversal to copy a configurationA file from /etc into a web-readable directory in order to allow the attacker to read secrets.
Proof of concept
Visit:A http://localhost/wp-admin/admin.php?page=galleries_bwg
Click Add new then Add Images
Right-click on the file manager overlay, click Inspect, and use the dev tools to get the URL of this iframe
RemoveA &extensions=jpg%2Cjpeg%2Cpng%2Cgif from the URL
Append &dir=/../../../../../../etc/ to the URL
Visit that URL
Select the passwd fileA by clicking on it once
Press the copy button in the toolbar
Press the up button repeatedly until you arrive back at wp-content/uploads/photo-gallery
Press the paste button
VisitA http://localhost/wp-content/uploads/photo-gallery/passwdA to read the list of users
The number of ../A you need to add to the URL will vary,A and the web serverA may be configured to only allowA reading files with certain extensions.
Upgrade to version 1.3.43 or later.
Disclosure policy
dxw believes in responsible disclosure. Your attention is drawn to our disclosure policy: https://security.dxw.com/disclosure/
Please contact us on security@dxw.com to acknowledge this report if you received it via a third party (for example, plugins@wordpress.org) as they generally cannot communicate with us on your behalf.
This vulnerability will be published if we do not receive a response to this report with 14 days.
2017-03-29: Discovered
2017-05-26: Reported toA support@web-dorado.com
2017-05-29:A Received reply saying it would be fixedA in 1.3.43
2017-05-30: Version 1.3.43 was released
2017-06-16: Advisory published
Discovered by dxw:
Tom Adams
Please visit security.dxw.com for more information.