# Date: 2018-06-24
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.digisol.com
# Hardware Link: https://www.amazon.in/Digisol-DG-BR4000NG-Wireless-Broadband-802-11n/dp/B00A19EHYK
# Category: Hardware
# Exploit Author: Adipta Basu
# Contact : https://www.facebook.com/AdiptaBasu
# Web: https://hackings8n.blogspot.com
# Tested on: Mac OS High Sierra
# CVE: CVE-2018-12705
# Reproduction Steps:
- Goto your Wifi Router Gateway [i.e:]
- Go to --> "General Setup" --> "Wireless" --> "Basic Settings"
- Open BurpSuite
- Change the SSID to "Testing" and hit "Apply"
- Burp will capture the intercepts.
- Now change the SSID to <script>alert("ADIPTA")</script>
- Refresh the page, and you will get the "ADIPTA" pop-up
DIGISOL DG-BR4000NG - Cross-Site Scripting