WordPress Task Manager Pro version 1.31 suffers from multiple cross site scripting vulnerabilities.
# Exploit Title: WordPress Task Manager Pro 1.31 - Multiple vulnerabilities
# Date: 2017-07-11
# Exploit Author: 8bitsec
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.w3bd.com/
# Software Link: http://codecanyon.net/item/task-manager-pro-all-in-one-project-based-task-management-plugin-for-wordrpress/19864872
# Version: 1.31
# Tested on: [Kali Linux 2.0 | Mac OS 10.12.5]
# Email: contact@8bitsec.io
# Contact: https://twitter.com/_8bitsec
Release Date:
Product & Service Introduction:
Task Manager Pro is a full and functional task management plugin for wordpress.
Vulnerability Disclosure Timeline:
2017-07-10: Found the vulnerabilities.
2017-07-10: Reported to vendor.
2017-07-11: No response.
2017-07-11: Published.
Technical Details & Description:
Multiple authenticated XSS vulnerabilities found logged as a low privileged user.
Blind SQL Injection on task-details page task parameter.
Proof of Concept (PoC):
Authenticated Stored XSS:
Logged as a follower, the lowest privileged user.
Write the payload in the 'Add a comment' section
Authenticated Reflected XSS
On task-edit, task-details, project-details pages:
Authenticated Stored XSS
Logged as a user with edit privileges:
Edit Task Section. Task Name & Time Estimation fields are vulnerable.
Blind SQL Injection
Logged as a follower:
# 6 and sleep(1) and 1=1
Credits & Authors:
8bitsec - [https://twitter.com/_8bitsec]